Got questions? We’ve got answers.

Seeker Questions

  • Do you require a statement of faith to participate?

    No, we don't. We're just excited about the opportunity to introduce you to a life full of love, joy, peace, and grace through knowing Jesus. No prerequisites required.

  • How do you handle challenging or controversial topics?

    We approach all topics with an open mind and a focus on exploring how Jesus's love can be relevant in all aspects of life. Your questions and doubts are welcome here; they're part of the journey.

  • What measures are in place to prevent spiritual manipulation or coercion?

    Your comfort and safety are our priorities. If you ever feel uncomfortable, we want to know. Our aim is not to manipulate but to facilitate your own unique journey towards understanding Jesus's love.

  • How are leaders and mentors vetted and trained?

    All our leaders undergo a thorough vetting process and receive training to ensure they are aligned with our ethos of love, acceptance, and non-judgment.

  • Is this a safe space for LGBTQ+ individuals?

    Absolutely. Our focus is on introducing you to the love and grace that comes from knowing Jesus. Everyone is welcome here, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other factor. You're respected and valued just as you are.

  • Is there a place for doubt and skepticism within your program?

    Absolutely. Doubt and skepticism are natural parts of any faith journey. They're welcome here, and we encourage open dialogue about your questions and concerns.

  • How do you deal with issues of religious harm or abuse should they arise?

    We take any form of harm or abuse very seriously. If such issues arise, we have protocols in place to address them promptly and sensitively.

  • Is participation in all activities mandatory?

    Not at all. Participate in whatever way feels right for you. This is your journey, and you get to set the pace.

  • What does 'non-confrontational' really mean?

    It means we won't pressure you to believe or act in a certain way. Your journey is yours alone, and while we're here to introduce you to Jesus, we respect your freedom to explore faith at your own pace.

Follower Questions

  • What is your evangelism process?

    At SowEpic, we're passionate about meeting people where they are and guiding them into a transformative relationship with Jesus. That's why we've developed our SOW principle, a threefold approach to bringing individuals closer to Christ:

    S - Seekers Welcomed: We don't just wait for people to come to us; we actively welcome them. Our doors are open to anyone curious about faith, and we respect each person's unique journey, offering a safe space for exploration.

    O - Opportunities for Conversation: Real growth comes through real conversation. We strive to create genuine connections and foster an environment where questions are not just allowed but encouraged. We want to understand you, and we invite you to engage in meaningful dialogue with us.

    W - Wooed by the Spirit: We know that true transformation comes from the Holy Spirit. We trust in God's work, planting seeds of faith and allowing the Spirit to draw individuals closer to Jesus. It's a gentle approach that recognizes the power of grace.

  • What is your philosophy of discipleship?

    Experiential: Faith is more than words; it's an experience. We create immersive moments that allow you to feel God's love and presence in tangible ways. It's about taking faith from an abstract concept to a lived reality.

    Participative: You're not a passive observer; you're an essential part of the journey. We value your voice, your questions, and your insights. We believe that faith grows through engagement and collaboration, and we invite you to be an active participant.

    Image-rich: We utilize imagery, art, and creativity to make faith accessible and resonant. Visual storytelling allows us to convey deep spiritual truths in ways that speak to the heart, bridging the gap between the intellect and the soul.

    Community-centered: We believe in the power of community. Faith isn't a solitary endeavor; it's a shared journey. We foster genuine relationships and create a nurturing environment where you can connect with others who are seeking, growing, and embracing faith.

    At SowEpic, our mission is twofold: to guide individuals into a relationship with Jesus through our SOW principle and to help them experience Christ's love in profound ways through our EPIC philosophy. We believe that faith is an extraordinary journey, and we are committed to walking alongside you every step of the way.

    Whether you're just beginning to explore faith or looking to deepen your connection with Christ, we invite you to join us. Let's embark on this epic journey together.

David Lee


Meet David Lee, the creative mind behind SowEpic. A self-proclaimed nerd with a passion for all things geek, David wears multiple hats as an author, speaker, and professional Dungeon Master. Never one to settle, he's gearing up to attend school in 2024 for a degree in play therapy. His mission? To help at-risk kids and adults find solace and healing through the world of gaming. When he's not immersed in his many roles, David is devoted to his wife Lauren and doesn't mind losing at Mario Kart to their two sons. The Lee family calls Columbus, GA home, where they're living out their own epic story.

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